STRECON has developed a hydraulic press unit for tool assembly, die setting, and disassembly, which currently has three models with tonnage of 250t, 400t and 500t. As with the STRECON containers, the press frame is stripwound and ensures an effective compression of the steel frame. Even at max press load, the frame is designed to remain in a fully compressive state.

The press is equipped with a 600 bar hydraulic power pack and proportional valve technique. In addition, the press has an adjustable speed function on both the higher-pressure and the low-pressure circuits. The high-pressure circuit is activated when the load exceeds 10 ton. These design features offer a smooth and controlled operation of the assembly press.

The front side of the assembly press has been reserved for the tool handling. The sliding press table ensures an open, proper positioning and setting of the tools before being moved into the press room itself. The control panel is placed just next to the press table and provides a perfect view of the press operation.

The hydraulic power-pack and electrical cabinet has been installed into the press body, and represent a compact solution compared to conventional tool assembly presses.

The assembly press is available with the following options: Force / Stroke measurement system from Schwer & Kopka, axial prestressing, and time delay.

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