Dynmik Design for Die (DDD) is an add-on module for the Siemens NX Die Wizard software package and it is used to simulate motion and interaction of individual mechanisms or complete die systems. With the user-friendly interface, it helps save time and money, verify design feasibility and achieve desired production results.
Features of DDD
User-Friendly: With very little training, Dynmik allows users to easily modify all motion parameters and run simulation in NX. This helps shorten design time and promotes quicker implementation.
Optimize Press Parameters: Get accurate press setting parameters for your production. Analyze velocity and acceleration of both tools and transfer systems and optimize the Strokes per Minute (SPM) to meet process requirements.
Collision Checking: Check designs for potential interference conditions to avoid costly damages caused by collisions. Dynamically present verified designs to customer with motion animation simulating a complete production cycle.