Training on simulation technologies in metal forming

19 Ekim 2011

As a part of the "Tuesday Meetings" organized by UCTEA (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) Chamber of Mechanical Enginners Izmir Office, NETFORM Engineering will give a training about the "Utilization of Numerical Calculation Techniques (Computer Simulations) in Metal Forming Applications".

In this training, general information will be given about the prediction of possible forming (forging, sheet metal forming, rolling and roll forming) problems at the design stage by using Simufact, COPRA and Dynaform programs and how to resolve these issues by using the simulation technology.

Date: 25 October 2011
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Location: MMO Tepekule Congress, Exhibition and Trade Center, Anadolu Cad. No:40 Floor: M2 Bayrakli - Izmir

Note: Registration is required due to the limited seationg. For information and registration: (0232) 462 33 33 / 147-133-132

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